We're into week three of lockdown in India, and all around the world people are practising social distancing and spending more time at home — and on the Internet — than ever. People are turning to social media to share, to vent, and also, to create really fun memes. At the same time, the platforms be they Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, are also taking steps to make sure that their users stay informed, stay safe, and stay home.
Misinformation during a crisis is a serious concern, and different companies are taking a number of measures to help — from Wikipedia, which has a special project about medical misinformation, to WhatsApp, which recently limited the ability to share frequently forwarded messages, while others like Snapchat and Instagram have launched new filters and new stickers in order to reduce the virality of fake news, much like staying at home is supposed to flatten the curve of the virus' transmission.
Fighting misinformation on social media
To combat the spread of fake news, Facebook recently introduced a Corona Helpdesk Chatbot to offer relevant COVID-19 information, and WhatsApp followed suit with a similar WHO chatbot for verified information around coronavirus. Facebook also activated a Community Help feature to allow people impacted by the coronavirus pandemic to reach out for help from their community.
Twitter is working with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, and various State Governments to upskill various departments on COVID response management. It has enabled state-wide COVID-response accounts, and has also published a Twitter list of key police accounts for latest and credible information on the 21-day lockdown. TikTok has plastered a COVID-19 button on the top right of its app, and it takes you to live stats of coronavirus cases and deaths, and information from credible sources regarding coronavirus. Snapchat launched the ‘Here For You' tool aimed at providing relief to users who may be feeling anxious over the coronavirus pandemic while staying isolated from their friends and family.
Finding fun, in the time of coronavirus
On the flip side, these same platforms have also become a place where you can take your mind off things, and find a little relaxation in the lighter side of life, with memes, funny songs, and skits. Celebrities, influencers, and even official police accounts have been using social media to spread information mixed with humour, and getting people to think about social distancing, washing hands, and staying at home.
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